Proper staffing is important for a successful event. We want to provide you with an atmosphere of efficiency and great service and having the correct number of staff is imperative to providing outstanding service for you. Although you may not realize, there is so much that goes on behind the scenes, and a sufficient number of staff is needed in order for us to provide you a seamless experience. Here are the requirements that we follow for staffing your event:

Our Staff:
Captain: One for events of 100 or more. He properly executes staff into action to provide the utmost efficiency and performance. His job is to ensure that all goes smoothly and is in charge of all the staff. He is your go to person with regards to questions and information during your event.
Waiters: The minimum is 2 waiters for every 1 to 50 guests for a buffet service, 2 waiters for every 1 to 25 guests for passing service, and 2 waiters for every 1 to 25 guests for a sit down service. Waiters' roles are to maintain the buffet and clearing empty dishes from the reception areas. Waiters in charge of passing make sure that there is a good rotation of various appetizers to ensure several options for guests to choose from. Sit down service has the waiter in constant rotation to ensure that all of your guests’ requirements are met. Waiters are prohibited from pouring alcohol.
Chef: Chefs are required for menus which are extensive and include special cooking stations such as omelet stations and passing as well as any other specialty stations. For larger parties, they delegate cooks to minimal functions and plating in order to handle to more intricate functions that is in their field of expertise. Number of Chefs needed vary with each menu.
Grill Chef: Required for all parties that want onsite BBQ and grilling. Number of grilling chefs vary with complexity of the menu as well as number of guests attending the event.
Cook: 1 cook is required for smaller events that have food options that need plating. Our cooks are trained to make your selections look appetizing and take care of all minimal functions of food prep and service.
Bartender: 1 for every 50 guests is the minimum.
All of our bartenders are professionally trained and are knowledgeable about the drinks they serve. They are committed to give excellent customer service and will provide a pleasant drinking experience to your guests, while maintaining a clean and sanitary bar area.
Utility Person:1 per every 50 guests is the minimum required. This person takes care of the washing dishes and glass wares, setting up, and taking down of rental equipment, and anything else that is needed for the event.
Runner: Runners are needed for outdoor events when items which are highly perishable (such as ice) are needed to be maintained during the event.
All staffing is based upon guest count, location and menu.
- Captain: $50/hr. (Minimum for service $200)
- Bartender: $50/hr. (Minimum for service $200)
- Waiter: $45/hr. (Minimum for service $180)
- Chef: $40/hr. (Minimum for service $160)
- Grill Chef: $35/hr. (Minimum for service $140)*
- Plating Chef: $30/hr. (Minimum for service $120)*
- Runner: $25/hr. (Minimum for service $100)*
- Utility: $25/hr. (Minimum for service $100)*
* Grill and Plating Chefs, Runners and Utility are reserved for events that include a waiter and/or Bartender to support them.
Minimum 4 Hours of Service
All full service catering has a minimum of 2 staff members per event, if you are also providing your own staffing, you will still need to follow our requirements and guidelines for the number of staffing that is needed in order for our quality of service to stay exceptional.

Event Planning
- Always consult a caterer as they know which food and drinks go well with each occasion.
- Your event planner should be familiar with top vendors and be able to recommend trusted and reputable vendors.
- When choosing a venue, make sure that the venue is the right size and has the appropriate facilities for your event.